- Santa (the kid inside me still believes it)
- Easter Bunny (was told by my aunt)
-Washing machine was a monster (started to do my own laundry)
-Boogyman (oh please I got older)
-Monsters under my bed/closet (actually looked)
-Different ideas of Heaven (iffy subject)
-Aliens (still believe it)
-Chuckie was real (got older, geez what was I thinking)
-Freddy (got older, and got a dream catcher!)
-Jason (never killed me, so there’s that)
-My uncle was God (he shaved his beard and I got older)
-Tooth fairy (parents told me, cheap bastards)
-Bloody Mary (tested it out)
-Candyman (got older, stopped watching the movie)
-Clowns were deadly (they still are)
-Mr. Met was a killer (got older but still hate him)
-Chuckie cheese mouse was disgusting (still is, I mean come on he’s a rat that likes to hug children)
-Vampires (still believing)
-My sister was famous (got older and was told)
-Leprechauns were killers (got older, plus the luck of the Irish will save me)
-Church was a scary place (church got better lighting)
I started to believe most of these things because I always watched horror movies as a child. Over time I just realized that none of these things were true. Just getting older changed my mind on these things. I still get scared watching the horror movies but at least I know that they aren’t real. In addition there are some things that i will always believe are true no matter how much proof someone might have.
Eddy, quite the list there. Maybe do talk about "some things that [you] will always believe are true no matter how much proof someone might have" and why you think that to be the case